Saturday, July 08, 2006

The saw is family

The Events of last night involve a chainsaw, Leatherface, and lots and lots of Blood

This is the place before it started, I was in the fourth row. There's a big plastic sheet on every row to protect yourself from blood splatter:

Outside they were selling black trash bags, shower caps and surgical shoe covers (obviously we didn't get any of those things, lol):

Check this guy out, he was just wearing plastic bags and no shoes (what a chicken!):

This is the standing ovation at the end, check out the guys in front of me covered in blood and in the front you can see Leatherface:

The Chainsaw Massacres was performed by the Primitive Screwheads, who have also done Evil Dead and Reanimator. I can't wait to see what they come up with next time, Devil's Rejects would be a dream come true.


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