Thursday, September 14, 2006

It's Showtime

I finally had the chance to watch the webcast of Steve Jobs's presentation from yesterday and it was amazing. Steve was wearing a black shirt instead of his regular turtleneck (probably because yesterday we were having weather imported from Africa).

He was looking super handsome, it's a shame that he had the worst audience ever, absolutely unresponsive to anything no matter how awesome. They so didn't deserve to be there. Luckily Steve had a way worthier audience through the webcast, so his incredible presentation wasn't wasted.

We got the new version of my fave App: iTunes . Let me tell you that the more you explore it, the more you'll love it. iTunes 7 has lots of new nifty things like cover flow, personally I loved the new iPod management.

Speaking of iPods, I'm so totally dying for the new 80 GB iPod, it's like the Über-iPod. Steve also introduced the new iPod nano which is the son of the iPod nano + the iPod mini; and the super cool second generation iPod shuffle which, as Steve said, is the most wearable iPod ever.

At the end, he presented iTV which completes the circle, now regular people can watch the movies they download on their TV sets.

This $299 device makes the iTMovieStore even more interesting. BTW when Steve was selecting a movie to play you could see on his iTunes how Pirates of the Caribbean had a 5 stars rating while a movie called Scorpius Gigantus had only two, that made me LOL. All in all, it was a very pleasant evening with Mr. Jobs, if you haven't seen the webcast you definitely should go to the fridge, get a drink, come back to your computer, sit and watch it. It's so good that if it was available at the iTMS, I'd buy it (hint hint, Steve).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nicely written, interesting as well.

9:58 PM  

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