Friday, September 22, 2006

Speaking of iTunes 7 and the stuff iMiss @ the iTMS

How do you like iTunes 7 so far?

I'm enjoying CoverFlow, as it allows me to see my albums like back in the day. There are many CDs that I haven't seen since I AACed them, so I'm happy to see their covers again, this time on my iMac. The only problem I am having is with my Ministry of Sound CDs. I guess I'm gonna have to scan the booklets, so the coverflow won't be interrupted by the missing cover art. Speaking of missing:

1. I miss the Celebrity playlists at the iTMS. It was a really cool and interesting feature.

2. I also miss the music from commercials at the iTMS (that feature didn't last long).

3. And finally I miss the iMixes. I got some new interesting music from other people's lists, I guess that won't be possible anymore. And double bummer, being the procrastinator that I am I never got to make my very own iMix. How about you?


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