Monday, July 23, 2007

My breakfast

For about a month one of the kitchen lights has been fluctuating between flickering and completely dead, and our procrastinating and lazy nature is such that unless we run into the building manager it just won't get fixed. We just can't be arsed to call him up.

So this morning I had some toast, I always pick the third slice from the first, cause it's bigger and it hasn't been touched. Everything was fine. Fast forward to dinner time, my meals are so varied that I decide to make some toast. But this time I'm standing in the other part of the kitchen, where the light works and I see the bread is kind of greenish. I disregard it at first thinking it must be the design of the bag, take it out and it's still green and sporish and penicilinish looking. A full blown village on my bread, the spores seem to wave all friendly like at me, seemingly not remembering that earlier I had taken an entire chunk of their town. It must not have been a very important part, maybe just a suburb. Maybe they just are forgiving spores, after all I practically raised them.

I wish I could finish this telling you I'm gonna call the building manager first thing in the morning, but I know that's not what's gonna happen. So, cross your fingers I bump into him real soon, please.


Blogger Alfonso said...

Remember that is NOT penicillin do not try to eat that

11:11 PM  

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