-Amanda cause she was unbelievably bad and had the worst attitude. It's like she didn't want to be there at all.
Speaking of that, someone who definitely wanted to be there, probably the happiest person to be on that stage tonight brings us to the...
Best Of The Night:
-David Hernandez. He was incredible, there was not a moment where he wasn't showing complete and total enthusiasm and it came across in his dancing and singing.
-Sanjaya, the real winner of Season 6.
-Michael Johns, hands down the best contestant this season.
-George Michael Whoa! we are not worthy! Sick and all, he out performed Donna, Ryan, Seal, etc. by far.
I'm so disappointed with American Idol this season. Not only because Danny Noriega didn't get tickets to the finale, but also for the shameless way the judges have been pushing for David Cook to be the new American Idol, making him pass as the rocker so that the audiences that love Daughtry fall for him too. They'll be there tonight, obediently voting until their fingers fall off to avenge their bald idol (I mean the one without a toupee). The producers need this "rocker" *wink, wink* to get the title. After all, if those fans made fourth place Daughtry's album go 4x time platinum, what won't they do for 1st place Cook?
So obviously the producers have a reason to do what they do, but couldn't they be more subtle about it? Last night Simon was saying on Leno that Cook deserves to win more, cause he was a twenty-five year old bartender while Archuleta is just a 17 year old kid. Cue the violins. And today everybody is citing that as one more reason to vote for Cook. How about the stripper David Hernandez? By that logic shouldn't he be on the finale? He has even taken his clothes off!
American Idol must be lolling when they see people parroting all that they tell us, some judge says "Cook is creative and takes risks" and a couple hours later every body is repeating it like they just realized it themselves. Also, creative? Takes risks? We haven't seen a person getting credit for covering covers since Daughtry. Maybe that's what AI considers a rocker? But Cook can't even reach his notes, and every week he has to resort to the same trick of the soft whisper that builds up to a yell, and every week the public gobbles it up like high fructose corn syrup.