Saturday, October 14, 2006

Friday 13th in 3-D

I had the best Friday 13th! Went to the Midnite for Maniacs in 3-D at the Castro. Stopping for dinner at the best Indian restaurant in town made us miss the first movie, but we got there right in time for:

This movie was so funny! My favorite moment took place in a tunnel. Some tourists are checking out all the sea life when a girl sees the huge shark coming and she's like "Daddy see that big fish." The dad just screams "Holy shit!" and they all start running. LOL.

The show was so packed the host started kidding that since the theater is so old the balcony was gonna collapse. There were a couple of funny guys yelling a few jokes here and there, but it was definitely the movies that kept the audience laughing.
At exactly midnight this gem started:

It was awesome! After this experience I couldn't help wishing that all the movies were 3-D. Why, oh why can't all movies be 3-D? Maybe it's because of some Friday 13th curse. :(


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